1 day agoHacker group LAPSUS posted images on its Telegram channel overnight claiming it achieved administrator access to Okta a user authentication and data management company. With Okta IT can manage any employees access to any application or deviceOkta runs in the cloud on a secure reliable extensively audited platform which integrates deeply. Okta Mobile Im App Store 13 hours agoOkta said Tuesday evening that roughly 25 of its customers were potentially impacted by the data breach by the Lapsus hacker group in January. . And if thats true it. Okta has a 1-year low of 14330 and a 1-year high of. Website on a smartphone arranged in Dobbs Ferry New York US on Sunday Feb. Microsoft on Tuesday confirmed that the LAPSUS extortion-focused hacking crew had gained limited access to its systems as authentication services provider Okta revealed that nearly 25 of its customers have been potentially impacted in the wake of the brea...
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